15 May 2015

Mumps & Pertussis MMGs - Comments due May 22

CDC has announced a second external review for the mumps and pertussis message mapping guides (MMG), which opened today, Wednesday, April 29 and will close Friday, May 22. The draft MMGs and related documents (e.g., revised PHIN Case Notification Message Structure Specification Release 3.0) are available on the NNDSS Draft Message Mapping Guides website for jurisdictions to review. *Please send feedback to edx@cdc.gov with the following subject lines: “Mumps MMG Feedback”, “Pertussis MMG Feedback”, or “Mumps and Pertussis MMG Feedback”.

The first external review for these MMGs took place from April 14, 2014 to May 26, 2014. The feedback CDC’s response to that feedback was summarized and distributed to CSTE’s Surveillance Implementation and Practice Subcommittee on July 24, 2014.

What’s New in this Review?
The following changes were made to the MMGs since the first external review period:
·         Data elements that have been added since the previous review at the request of the program are highlighted in yellow in the excel spreadsheets posted online for this review. Data elements that have been added since the previous review as part of restructuring efforts or the lab and vaccine templates (not at the request of the program) are highlighted in green in the excel spreadsheets posted online for this review.
·         The MMGs have been restructured in accordance with recommendations from an Internal MMG Restructuring Workgroup. A detailed summary of the recommendations of the workgroup are posted on the draft MMG website, in the document titled “Case Notification Message Restructuring: A Summary of Structural and Content Changes”. The PHIN Case Notification Message Structure Specification has also been updated to reflect changes and is posted on the draft MMG website. In summary:
o   Data elements in the Epidemiologic section are sent as question/answer pairs, as specified in the PHIN case notification message specification
o   The Laboratory and Vaccine Template sections support the inclusion of laboratory and vaccination findings in the case notification and are consistent with templates that were developed by the MMG Restructuring Workgroup. The summary of the data elements in the vaccine and laboratory templates are listed within the “Case Notification Message Restructuring: A Summary of Structural and Content Changes” document on the draft MMG website.
o   As a result of opening the HL7 structure in the PHIN message specification (PHIN Message Structure Specification Release 3.0), elements in the Laboratory Template section can be transmitted in a manner that is similar to the ELR HL7 specification. This is noted in the columns labeled “HL7 Message Context”, “HL7 Data Type”, “HL7 Usage”, “HL7 Cardinality”, and “HL7 Implementation Notes.”
·         Implementation notes were updated with information on how unknown and missing values for date and numeric fields should be sent.
·         Question-specific identifiers (PHIN Unique Identifiers) were replaced with standard identifiers for the question concept (e.g., LOINC)
·         HL7 implementation notes provide information on mapping data elements to specific HL7 segment field locations.

Specific Feedback Requested from the MMG Review:
1.       Comments on:
a.       Whether the new data elements (highlighted in yellow or green) are information that you are likely to be able to obtain.
b.      Collection and transmission of the data elements to CDC and completeness of the valid values.
c.       Whether the implementation notes are clear or need clarification.
d.      Changes in the structure and format of the message.

2.       Please provide feedback on data element VAC102 (vaccination record ID). Is this generated from the sender’s vaccine record system?

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