20 October 2011

ISDS Contract to Further Clarify Syndromic Surveillance Meaningful Use

International Society for Disease Surveillance Awarded Contract to Further Clarify Syndromic Surveillance Meaningful Use
CDC’s Division of Notifiable Diseases and Healthcare Information awarded a 12 month contract to the International Society for Disease Surveillance (ISDS), collaborating with HLN Consulting, LLC (San Diego, CA), to develop business and infrastructure requirements for syndromic surveillance using clinical data from health information exchanges. This will include syndromic surveillance using hospital inpatient, and ambulatory care data from eligible professionals. In addition, health information exchange architecture will be assessed to support syndromic surveillance using clinical data.

ISDS's Dr. Laura Streichert, Executive Director, and Mr. Charles Ishikawa, Associate Director of Public Health Programs, are directing and managing the project. CDC's project officer is Dr. Taha Kass-Hout, Deputy Director of Health Information Sciences and BioSense Program Manager.

To receive project news and updates, send an email to info@syndromic.org, with "PHSS MUse News" in the subject line. Please include your name and contact information in the message body.

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